【同义词辨析】 2018-08-15 安抚pacify-conciliate
pacify: suggests a smoothing or calming or the quelling of insurrection: a sincere apology seemed to ~ his rage. (smooth除了光滑还表平静,谚语a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor平静海面培养不出出色的水手,calm意思一样) (rage和anger区别: anger泛指任何生气,rage指非常生气,几乎失控,如screaming with rage愤怒吼叫) (insurrection泛指反抗起义,一般组织性较弱,如slaves' insurrection奴隶起义)
appease: implies the quieting of agitation or insistent demands by making concessions: nothing seemed to ~ their appetite for territorial expansion.
placate: suggest a change of resentment or bitterness to goodwill: bought flower to ~ his irate wife. (irate非常生气: very angry,如irate customer暴怒的顾客)
mollify: implies the softening of anger or the soothing of hurt feelings by positive action: a promise of a hearing ~ied the demonstrators.
propitiate: implies the averting of anger or malevolence or the winning of favor especially of a powerful person: ~ his mother-in-law by getting the clean-cut look. (malevolence恶意: 形容自身邪恶,如deep malevolence governed his every act他做的每件事都有深深恶意)
conciliate: suggests the ending of an estrangement by persuasion, concession or settling of differences: America's efforts to ~ the nations of the Middle East. (estrange疏远甚至敌对,如estranged from family after years of neglect多年的忽视使他和家人彻底疏远)
pacify平息: 使平静不再抗议(insurrection起义,一般只是抗议),appease绥靖: 通过让步使安静满足(to make concessions让步),placate安抚:由苦恨变成善意,mollify缓和: 缓解愤怒伤害(soothe就是soften缓和缓解),propitiate讨好: 避免愤怒恶意赢得好感,多指讨好权贵,conciliate和解: 结束此前的疏远敌对,如劝说让步消除分歧。
记忆方法: 1)首字母MAC PPP的P想成PP CAMP两人去宿营<==安抚不和
3)安抚的意思是平息愤怒困扰mean to ease or quilt the anger or disturbance of someone or something.首字母MAC PPP的P想成PP CAMP两人去宿营<==安抚不和